Leak Sealing in Civil Infrastructure

Leak Sealing

Leak sealing is a specialised process designed to prevent water leakage in structures by using advanced injection systems to fill and seal cracks. This method is essential for civil infrastructure, ensuring long-term structural stability and safety in water-prone areas.

Common Causes of Water Ingress

Types of Structural Damage Caused by Leaks

Unchecked leaks can lead to several forms of structural damage, which can compromise the stability and lifespan of buildings:

Concrete Erosion

Continuous water flow erodes concrete surfaces, weakening structural elements.

Corrosion of Reinforcements

Leaks lead to moisture exposure, causing steel reinforcements to rust and lose strength.

Cracking and Spalling

Water penetration creates cracks that expand over time, leading to spalling and structural degradation.

Types of Leak Sealing Solutions

Several leak sealing solutions are available, each suited to different structural needs and environments.

Hydrophobic Polyurethane Injection Resin

Hydrophobic Polyurethane Injection Resin repel water, expanding to seal cracks in dry or wet conditions. These sealants are ideal for structures where immediate water resistance is required.

Hydrophilic Polyurethane Injection Resin

Hydrophilic Polyurethane Injection Resin absorb moisture to expand and fill gaps effectively, creating a flexible seal suited for active leaks.

Epoxy Injection Resin

Epoxy Injection Resin form a rigid, strong bond in concrete cracks, providing long-term durability and preventing water ingress through structural fractures.

What is leak sealing in civil infrastructure?